PLAN 1A Offer – NCLEX-RN Preparation Course with financing
Financing Conditions:
- Only the inscription payment the First month
- Monthly payments in a length to choose:
- 9 months financing
- 12 months financing
- 15 months financing
- The second monthly payment starts the third month
- Couse length: 2 years
- Previous Value: 3900 USD
- Program value: 3595 USD
- Save: 305 USD
- Inscription Fee: 1950 USD
Payment Platform
General characteristics
Access to:
- Detailed initial documentation and
- University point of contact
- Official translation process and
- USN NCLEX-RN Prep. Course: 10 weeks of classes Weekly intensity: 15 hours.
- Study groups and targeted
- 1 on 1 application to the American Nursing Board and application
- Access to the recorded classes platform
Services pending to deliver Once 75% of the total payment of the program is generated.
- NCLEX-RN Simulators: Individual Archer
- 18 personalized simulation
- 18 personalized tutorials
Pending services to deliver Once 100% of the total payment of the program is generated.
- USA Nursing certification exam and cost for 1 time.
- NCLEX-RN Simulators: Archer & Saunders individual licenses.
- 2 NCLEX-RN books + import and shipping costs.
- NCLEX-RN Digital Books.
- Advisory throughout the whole certification process and job offer search.
- 6 personalized simulation.
- 6 personalized tutorials.